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This partial renders any updates specified in the post’s metadata in the main content sorted in reverse chronological order. I would have liked it in the body instead but then I couldn’t access it as metadata.
In the post’s frontmatter, you define an updates
object containing an array of objects with the keys date
and note
- date: ...
notes: ...
- date: ...
notes: ...
This creates a <section>
element with an id of updates
and an <h2>
heading of Updates.
Source Code
<section id="updates">
{{ range (sort .Params.updates "date" "desc") -}}
<b><time datetime="{{ dateFormat `2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00` .date }}">{{ dateFormat `02 Jan 2006 at 15:04 MST` .date }}</time></b>
{{ $.RenderString .notes }}
{{- end }}